MaMa Sue's Bar-Be-Que Sauce®

Taste and See!

Our Story

MaMa Sue’s Story

Sue Josey, whose nickname was “Ms. Baby Ray”, was famous for a lot of things, especially her cooking, from sweet potato pies to barbecue. She prepared her meals with the skills of a master chef, and she did it without measuring her ingredients. She would say, “I like to cook, and I like to barbecue”.


In 1963, with her husband, James Josey, she began focusing on preparing the barbecue sauce. She said she would help him , and eventually she was making the sauce while he did the barbecuing.


In the early 1970’s, she perfected her barbecue sauce.


Family members and people in the community would ask her to barbecue for different events and family functions. She said, “the people enjoyed it, and I enjoyed doing it”. Her barbecue and sauce became famous in the community as Ms. Baby Ray’s Barbeque.


She has been perfecting her barbecue sauce recipe for over 50 years. In 2010, at the age of 83 with the help of her children, she had her barbecue sauce patent. She said, “when people taste it, they realized what they are missing out on”, which is her slogan for the sauce, “Taste and See”. The slogan was also from the scripture, Psalms 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”


Sue Josey died on April 9, 2016, but her heritage lives on in her famous barbecue sauces. Currently, she has an original and mild sauce on the market.  Her legendary barbecue sauce is one of best sauces in the United States, but don’t take our word. Taste and See for yourself.


Taste and See! MaMa Sue’s Bar-Be-Que Sauce